We are a boutique gym dedicated to women. Our goal is to empower you to achieve your fitness/wellness goals, in a safe and supportive environment, so you can feel fabulous inside and out.

0434 728 105 1/19 CHURCHILL ST, WILLIAMSTOWN NTH Mon - Fri 6:00am to 12:30pm, 3:00pm to 8.30pm
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June 2021

If you’ve let your health slide during the pandemic, don’t be hard on yourself. You are not alone, may struggled emotionally throughout not having their normal routine of going to work, socializing and going to their fitness facility to take care of themselves mentally and physically. It’s easy to go off track in a pandemic when your lifestyle comes crashing down. So you may be feeling a bit flat and heavier than when COVID19 started. Most importantly be kind to yourself. Maybe taking care of your health got put on the back